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Paris Shootings...
at 16:55 9 Jan 2015

PaulParker....I haven't posted on this forum for years (prefer to just read), but as an R in Leicester (unfortunately living a 10 minute walk from LCFC...) I feel compelled to defend my adopted home city.

There is nowhere in this city that you cannot feel safe to walk in at night, other than obvious areas around parks and underpasses that you'd be a muppet to walk in anywhere. There is no racial tension in this city, despite what Channel 4 would have you think when making an inflammatory racist TV programme about us recently.

Leicester's ethnic population is also predominately Hindu and Sikh, rather than Muslim.

So basically, learn some facts before slating places as being out of bounds just because you think "lots of non-white people live there". Have you ever actually been to Leicester?!

German bomber salvage 9pm tonight bbc news 24
at 19:25 2 Jun 2013

To be fair Holloway you think everything is going to end up a disaster.

"Boy who cried wolf" and all that...

And I dare say those engineers have a far better understanding of what may happen than you or I!
Richard The Third-NOT rhyming slang.....
at 15:27 4 Feb 2013

That's true Metallica! Sort of.

Henry VII's claim to the throne was very weak and there were many other nobles at the time who had just as strong claims to the throne as Henry.

As a means (one of them anyway) of garnering support was to have his "spin doctors" go to work discrediting Richard III, creating the "myth" of the hunchbacked child murdering brutal king etc etc to help make his claim to the throne stronger...and then he pulled the genius trick of marrying Elizabeth of York to unite the Houses of York and Lancaster and stop future battles between the two.

By the time Shakespeare came around a century or so later, the myth of Richard III was such an accepted fact he wrote the play depicting him as the hunchback murderer etc etc...

There are nonetheless some horrifically ignorant people on that BBC HYS page, such as "Who cares", "What a waste of money/licence fee/taxpayers money/support the benefits etc etc..." and the usual sort of garbage you get on BBC when they open up pages for people to comment on...
Good old Tony - we're not Pompey
at 13:18 3 Feb 2013

Sorry, I'm not aware of them being published yet either! Although if the year end is still 31 May they will be due for filing by the end of this month so we will find out soon! Sorry if I didn't make that clear, I know the 2011 year end accounts were grim!
Good old Tony - we're not Pompey
at 12:43 3 Feb 2013

Not to be the lone voice of cynicism here, but I think Uncle Tony is using rather a large dash of spin with the phrase "debt free". QPR are massively in debt to the tune of millions (if not tens of millions) of pounds still as previous year's accounts show, and how the accounts will show this year.

The only difference here is all of that debt is owned to the Tune Group and the other shareholders who have supplied the funding instead of external providers of finance like banks and dodgy overseas companies (I'm looking at you ABC...)

So whilst all this debt is effectively "internal" it does make us "debt free" as long as those shareholders are in place and are happy to continue to provide the funding to keep the club going, but as soon as they sell up, or decide not to continue that funding, the debt effectively becomes "external" and we find that they'd like their money back pretty quickly and at that point the club will end up exactly in the same scenario as Portsmouth. They were "debt free" until the owners sold up and wanted their money back (and of course for Portsmouth that process repeated itself several times with the quick changeover of owners so all of a sudden they owed 2 or 3 owners tens of millions each all at once).

So I'm afraid I'm still in the sceptical camp about where all this reckless spending is going to lead. It might take years to bite us, and hopefully I'm wrong and it will never bite us but anyone who truly believes we are "debt free" are living in cloud cuckoo land. Sorry!
Generate your own Brazilian name...
at 13:03 24 Aug 2012

This is the one that made an appearance on here last year and someone discovered that if you put the name as "Racist Terry" you got the result "Tosa".

Still works...
Great Britain 26 ruskies 19
at 19:06 11 Aug 2012

Is there anything that Holloway doesn't see the worst case scenario? Seriously, you must be the most miserable man on earth to possibly know.

Swansea will get 92 points
We'll get relegated
We'll struggle next year
We won't win a single medal
Something "terrible" will happen at the Olympics
We'll lose 3rd place in the medals.

Christ almighty...
Another Olympic cock pu
at 22:09 30 Jul 2012

So its a balls up by a referee/judge, just like in every other sport all over the world.

Hardly an "Olympic cock up" in the LOCOG sense as everyone seems desperate to get their teeth stuck into is it!
Didn't realise Rangers are now called....
at 15:43 30 Jul 2012

Wellingborough Town did indeed fold in 2002, but happily reformed in 2005 and currently play in the UCL Premier where they've been for a few years now. About their level but its good that they're still around as the original club was founded in about 1869 and was (and possibly still is if you count the current club as a continuation...) the 6th oldest club in the country (I think!)
Didn't realise Rangers are now called....
at 13:42 30 Jul 2012

Nene Park is a League Two standard ground easy with plenty of space for a much bigger stadium if required...problem is its in the middle of nowhere in an area without much of a footballing heritage.

Kettering are still playing there at the moment, but they've been demoted to the Southern Premier for next year and whether they'll be able to keep paying for it much longer without going bust themselves I'm not sure, they came very close to it last year.

It was a daft decision by Kettering's chairman at the time Imran Ladaak (one dodgy character) to move, based on logic that all the RDFC fans would start watching Kettering at Nene Park (which unsurprisingly completely failed to happen). Its my understanding from people I know in the area that Nene Park costs 6 times as much to run and maintain as Kettering's previous ground Rockingham Road did (a ground which is currently still standing but in terrible disrepair at the moment and will probably be gone in the next 5 years).
Didn't realise Rangers are now called....
at 12:52 30 Jul 2012

Well, much as I disliked them, the new Rushden & Diamonds are very much alive and kicking. The reformed club has moved into Senior Football for this year, playing in the United Counties League Division One (5 divisions below the Conference) and groundsharing with Wellingborough Town.

They've managed to get a shirt sponsorship deal from EA Sports worth around £12k (a friend of mine is on the committee at AFC R&D and told me the ballpark figure but wouldn't give me the exact number!). They've been signing a few decent players too so I wouldn't be surprised if they reach about Southern League Division One level in the next few years, provided of course they can keep the 400-500 hardcore who watched the youth team last year going.

Still can't stand them and they've actually upset a lot of the local clubs in the Northants area with a very arrogant attitude so they're not actually too popular!
Help needed - Ricoh Arena
at 12:45 30 Jul 2012

I went to the Ricoh Arena yesterday for the Mexico v Gabon game followed by Switzerland v South Korea. The official crowd was 30,114 which is at least twice what Coventry get, and it was actually a cracking atmosphere with it so full (though there were only about 18,000 left by the end of the second game!)

As for parking - all the usual places that open up for football are open! The field that is just off the M6 was open but full by the time I got there yesterday (60 mins before the first kick off) but I just followed some other signs for unofficial parking and ended up in massive lorry trailer park which loads of other people used. There were lots of other industrial units opening up as per normal Coventry games. There were signs for "Official Olympic Parking" but I avoided them like the plague. Everyone was charging £10 for parking though so be prepared to be ripped off!

One thing I did find daft about the ground yesterday is that ALL of the signs around the ground have been taped up and covered over by Olympic badges, which includes the massive RICOH sign at the top of the ground thats usually visible from the M6, all the Coventry City badges around the ground, even to the point of the "Coventry Evening Telegraph Stand" signs being removed!

Enjoy the day, can't imagine there will be 30,000 on a weekday but the atmosphere is much better than I've ever seen for a Coventry match there!
Subbuteo and QPR -- who remembers Subbuteo?
at 19:43 21 Jun 2012

If it cheers you chaps up I'm pleased to say Subbuteo has made a comeback!

I was in a toyshop in Leicester a few weeks ago and stumbled across them selling boxes of new Subbuteo along with custom teams (only the big clubs/nations of course...) there wasn't any extra accessories on sale though... It was also £40 for the box which put me off buying it just to satisfy a childhood memory. I used to have a scoreboard, 2 floodlights, the hoardings and 2 stands (always wanted to build a stadium but never got enough )
Good news I hope
at 11:34 31 Mar 2012

I don't think TF and co really expect to get any return out of football at all...I think its merely a vanity project.

They've shown in the business world they are very good at building up successful companies and getting good returns etc but apart from the shareholders of the business who really cares? No-one praises your business skills other than those who directly benefit.

But if they make a successful football club they will have thousands of fans who will adore them, and be lauded in the media etc as being wonderful owners for the way they have built a successful football club.

And for me that is why they're doing what they're doing, not because they honestly believe in 5 years time they'll be withdrawing zillions in dividends from profits made by QPR, but for the "vanity" if you like, of the achievements gained in football.
If we do go down
at 22:18 15 Mar 2012

Can't bloody miss myself! Keep seeing the top of my head (the brown hair) directly in front of the camera for the first 2 minutes before all hell breaks loose.

Also think the skinny hands flopping their way across the screen clapping for the sub at the beginning may be mine as well!
If we do go down
at 18:42 15 Mar 2012

I'll be honest here, I'm not enjoying the "Premiership" experience all that much. And thats due to number/level of games being played, not because we're losing every week! (Though of course it doesn't help...)

Don't get me wrong, I loved last season (went to 37 of the 46 games, most I've ever been to, and also had the pleasure of Clive nearly falling on top of me in delight at Watford as the first went in, whether he can remember that in the drunken madness though...) and of course I always want to see QPR play at the highest level possible and be succesful.

But to be honest with you, being able to go to football regularly and affordably (only been to 1 away game this season due to season ticket heist/away ticket cost, though last year did cost a bomb but that was special...) means more to me, and if it meant playing at a lower level, I wouldn't necessarily mind that much. Teams go up, teams go down, its the nature of football.

There are a lot of friends I have down at QPR who I only see at QPR due to our locations (the Midlands, Southampton, Gloucester...) and in this Premiership ere you only seem to see them at odd intervals. I know the FL only has 4 extra home games, but I have noticed this season how little I seem to see people compared to previous years.

I can of course, completely understand Clive not liking doing his Saturday/Tuesday/Saturday match previews when you're running a website alongside full time work etc, and people who prefer the "prestige" if you like of what level we play at. For me personally, I just want to watch the team I love play on a regular basis. I've occasionally watch the local sides (Northampton/Kettering) and I do enjoy it on a different level, but nothing can beat watching QPR. Especially when we win though it has been a bit rare this year of course!

Apologies for the waffle
Just back
at 20:20 11 Feb 2012

Can't say I saw anything there but I was stuck in the corner!!
Just back
at 20:02 11 Feb 2012

Mega peed off after today.

First things first...that first 45 minutes was nothing short of disgraceful and every single player should hold their heads down in shame for that. We made Blackburn look like Barcelona, every time one of their players got the ball we stood off them and stood off and let them have as much time and space to do whatever they wanted. Christ even I'd look good on a Sunday morning if you gave me time to do that. The only player who looked vaguely interested was Taarabt who was always calling for the ball and tried to do something, even though it never came off.

Second half, complete new dynamic, Blackburn did their 10 men behind the ball routine for the rest of the game, and them hitting the bar 5 mins into the second half aside offered nothing. We had enough chances to end up winning the game in the end which pees me off even more because this game was already lost after 45 minutes more or less, and if we'd played like it from the start we might have been able to get a decent result.

Really feeling down after that, sorry if it gets me labelled as a "negative w*nker" or whatever else you get labelled as if you're not being a happy clappy positive burying your heads in the sand. That first half was utterly pathetic and had relegation written all over it. Can't beat Blackburn, you're in trouble serious as.

The support again turned out in large numbers, were very volatile at half time unsurprisingly and got behind the lads a lot as we pressed in the second half. Well done us lot, shame the 11 didn't turn up.

The only player I'd give special praise to would be Taarabt and Mackie. All those who slag him off? Mental, he came on up front and was so sharp and energetic, he caused Blackburn no end of problems. Before that Paul Robinson might as well have had a deckchair to sit on for all the problems we posed him. And Taarabt was constantly asking for the ball and driving it forward. The rest can forget it, they don't deserve anything. Yes, we nearly fought it back, but we didn't and that doesn't excuse that disgraceful first half.

For me anyway...
A curious little fact - if anyone else has noticed...
at 18:20 20 Dec 2011

Was pointing this out today to wind a few Man Utd "supporting" mates up...but for 6 of the last 8 seasons (by my reckoning) we have finished the season, or played very close to the end of the season, against the eventual winners of our division. Or in the case of last year, as the winners.

It breaks down as follows :-

03/04 - Plymouth (match 44/46)
04/05 - N/A
05/06 - Reading
06/07 - N/A
07/08 - West Brom
08/09 - Wolves (match 45/46 if I remember correctly)
09/10 - Newcastle
10/11 - QPR

So get your money on now for Man City to win the league given our last game this season is of course....Man City away....

Just thought I'd point that out! We are Kingmakers!
Top clubs to breakaway on TV rights
at 12:48 12 Oct 2011

Surprised this hasn't been posted yet this morning...

Another way to increase the gap between the Top 4 and everyone else were this to happen...and I wouldn't be surprised if it did given it happens in Spain and Italy.

The levels of money sploshing about at the top of the game is just getting out of hand now...shouldn't happen for me the playing field's uneven enough in the Premiership as it is with the way Champions League money works!
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