| Forum Reply | Most over-rated players at the Rs at 16:00 25 Jan 2024
Ive logged in specifically to down vote this comment. Banner was my first ever favourite Rangers player, loved the dude. |
 | Forum Reply | 2023 NFL Season *NON QPR at 08:39 10 Oct 2023
There was plenty of empty seats on Sunday I noticed, and the game before that too. On PFT they were saying recently that a lot of tickets are resold thesedays and is one reason why you see the visiting team have as much of the crowd as the home team. Not unusual to see a player from the visiting teams D gesturing to the crowd for more noise. |
 | Forum Reply | 2023 NFL Season *NON QPR at 07:51 9 Oct 2023
I went every year to the first 4-5 international series games and havent been since. No particular reason for this. I really should try to go to one at Tottenham just to see the stadium as its unlikely that ill ever see Rangers play there. |
 | Forum Reply | 2023 NFL Season *NON QPR at 20:02 25 Sep 2023
I found myself asking (myself) recently why am I willing the Lions to do well last season and this? Maybe its cos theyve been so bad for so long and I still have fond memories and love for Barry Sanders. Seeing the QB grow into something like what he promised in college. The Head Coach changing the culture at the organisation. Marvellous. |
 | Forum Reply | BEST ALBUM at 08:55 14 Sep 2023
RAWWWRRR , Leftfield - Leftism is mine. |
 | Forum Reply | 2023 NFL Season *NON QPR at 08:32 11 Sep 2023
Difficult to look past the teams you have mentioned for the Superbowl except Chiefs instead of the Bengals. Hardly going out on a limb there I realise. AFC East is Dog rough this season. Love Red zone btw, esp if the main game on Sky is a blow out. |
 | Forum Reply | Surrey v Middx at 07:56 23 Jun 2023
I went yesterday for my usual annual trip without much hope. After Surreys innings I had even less hope. How wrong can you be. :D |
 | Forum Reply | Summer Cricket Thread at 20:18 9 Apr 2023
I too am a Middlesex fan (born in Central Middlesex hospital) and I didnt realise they had that offer mentioned. It does seem good value and I love Lords. Living South of the river most of my life and going to school within a (big) stones throw of the Oval I seem to find myself there more often than Lords even if mostly for Surrey v Middelsex in the T20 blast. The India test match at the Oval a few years ago was an absolute joy to be a part of. As for that KKR game today well......."spank my arse and call me Charlie". Unreal. |
 | Forum Reply | NFL '22 / '23 Thread. at 12:43 13 Feb 2023
Great game. Ive never seen Hurts play that well and to do it in the final too. Agreed the holding call was a shame, nothing in that for me. It never stops amazing me how teams manage to change things at half time. |
 | Forum Reply | non qpr at 13:11 11 Feb 2023
American Football is a great sport in my opinion. I admire the athletism as well as the tactical elements, eagerly awaiting tomorrows game. Nothing tops footie but then im a Rangers fan so gotta have something to look forward to. Also love all forms of Cricket so go figure. |
 | Forum Reply | NFL '22 / '23 Thread. at 09:25 23 Jan 2023
The Bengals put in a complete performance last night from start to finish. It was a joy to watch. |
 | Forum Reply | Player managers at 09:49 16 Jan 2023
Dino Dini was a genius. Think it was the Kick off 1 engine for Player Manager and would have loved a version withe the newer engine. Since I was gash at the attacking elements of the game id play as a sweeper. Sweep up and just lump the ball up front like a Wimbledon. Buying players with uber pace and no stamina to come on as subs last knockings to kill the opposition. Other than that I dont remember it at all. :D |
 | Forum Reply | Peter Gabriel at 09:44 16 Jan 2023
Biko is a work of genius. |
 | Forum Reply | NFL '22 / '23 Thread. at 09:42 16 Jan 2023
Thought the Fish were gonna get batterred yesterday. Rookie mistakes aplenty from the QB to the Coach but they fought to the very end. |
 | Forum Reply | NFL '22 / '23 Thread. at 15:07 13 Sep 2022
Stalker of this site for many years, my first ever post and its not even about Rangers. :D Dolphins fan for 3 decades plus now. Dan Marino has a lot to answer for. Been to many of the International series games (inc. the very 1st) but not any recent ones. Its a fantastic sport and flows way more than you realise when you are there in person. Rams and Bucs have a chance but cannot see past the AFC teams as theyve too much quality in comparison to the NFC. |
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