| Forum Reply | Rohl at 16:55 16 Dec 2024
Once again its the cheap championship up and coming one for the future, we've tried that and massively failed, we either spend or we don't, if we spend we have a chance, if we don't we'll fail. |
 | Forum Reply | WHY?! at 17:50 7 Dec 2024
Because we're not a northern club quite obviously, they would be going apeshit at this, from what I can gather people are more concerned about getting the train home, we deserve it in many ways as I can't think top level a more apathetic fan base, its always been that way. |
 | Forum Reply | Are we officially in…. at 20:40 5 Dec 2024
I genuinely can not think of a manger for this club I dislike more, it not that he is a bad person per se its the fact we've allowed an egotistical maniac to keep to his doctrine without questioning it until now really, we even offered him a new contract when we barely got out the league with a (crap) premiership team, he has taken it to new levels and made us woeful, even as a telly clapper its shite to watch, how the paying punters do this I do not know. Being a Southampton fan is 99% absolute shit but this is a new level of bollocks, winning football in any league is great but we're in the unfortunate position of being on the margins of winning football and getting dry f****d every week, I choose winning football in a level we can compete until we have a board and manager capable of taking us further. |
 | Forum Reply | Saints At Leicester Matchday Thread at 21:54 23 Apr 2024
With his hair do and white sneakers and all that bollocks, he's not from the continent, he's a chancer with a full head hair, he also knows nothing about the game, I could have got us to where we are with that team, its the manner of defeat and his w a n k excuses about brave and scarred players, he's scarred them far more by not putting faith and trust in them by simply saying play the game I know you can and I trust you to. He's a percentage coward. [Post edited 23 Apr 2024 21:54]
 | Forum Reply | Saints At Leicester Matchday Thread at 21:42 23 Apr 2024
That team is spineless and it starts with manager and backroom staff, the club is poison, absolute poison, no soul, no spine, no guts, no leaders and its all our doing, woke managers with shite hair dos. |
 | Forum Thread | If we lose today how big will the fallout be? at 08:05 30 Sep 2023
To be fair I think we'll lose as no one understands him not even himself but will SR stick with him as he's cheap and fulfilling their objective of attempting to do it with crap loans and gambles? When he gets the sack (this bit is obvious as they all get sacked or leave and he ain't living on merit) will we adopt the same method as before on gambles or buy an old nag knowing what we'll get? |
 | Forum Reply | Holgate & Aribo highest earners on 70k per week. at 07:54 30 Sep 2023
Spat my coffee out then, Everton fans were pissing themselves laughing at me when Holgate was announced to be going to Southampton, ask an Evertonian what they think of him and you'll get "thinks he's better than he is" "He absolute shite" "bellend" "Can't mark or defend the box" Everton got nearly relegated last year and he only played 8 games, that sort of tells you how shite he is. |
 | Forum Reply | Sheffield Wednesday Owner Stops Funding Club at 07:49 30 Sep 2023
Football is ruined and is only there for the top teams to compete in Europe, and even then they're only there for market share in adverts, thats what its all about at the end of the day, adverts selling washing machines and shit holidays to the Asian market. |
 | Forum Reply | He's got no idea,he has to go. at 14:02 25 Sep 2023
We should have got Mowbray in the for championship but that doesn't fit in with buy cheap take a gamble approach, I have Warnock seriously I'd have him over this charlatan. The deep rooted problem is the clubs approach to football, buy low sell high, its short changing the fans and its bound to fail at some point, we're falling very quickly yet we still continue to have this as a cornerstone of the clubs philosophy, total arrogance and ineptitude. |
 | Forum Reply | Martin OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT at 17:04 23 Sep 2023
Needs to go, get Ralph back if he’ll have us, I’d take Peter Sutcliffe or Fred West over this cooont. |
 | Forum Reply | Does anybody actually like any of our players? at 12:05 20 Sep 2023
They're pretty unlikeable as they all seem not to be arsed, S Armstrong maybe? The others seem like they think they're far better than they actually are. |
 | Forum Reply | That’s me done at 11:56 20 Sep 2023
He's a charlatan plain and simple, a cheap yes man, a confidence trickster, a sleight of hand merchant. He isn't good enough but we fall for this every time or have done recently, we need a Mowbray, a Pearson, a Warnock, an old skool manager not some wa nk hairdresser type who'll treat the players as spoilt fannies. [Post edited 20 Sep 2023 11:57]
 | Forum Reply | Top 3 Worst Russells at 13:46 18 Sep 2023
Russell Martin sounds like a poundshop hair product, I wouldn't be surprised if the bell end put a bid in for Alberto Balsam in the window. |
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