| News Comment | Dieng makes history, QPR score from free kick, world peace declared — Report at 08:53:29
Just love your writing, Mr Northern. It's so much more than football writing, it's cultural and political commentary as well, and for a young man, younger than me anyway, it has a perfectly weighted level of jaded about it. In all honesty, if you're not already doing so, you should write a book and get it published before the end of the world as we know it. |
 | News Comment | Moving day/month - Preview at 10:47:27
Another splendid preview, Mr Northern. Is it bad that I come to a QPR site for a chuckle these days? I do quite like the idea of "fermenting unnecessary negativity" though, it sounds like something some members of my mother's family would have done at the bottom of the airing cupboard, or in a warm shed. |
 | News Comment | What you worried about? - Report at 08:48:39
I found it quite hard to carry on reading after the brilliance of "wizard's anal thicket". I mean where do you go after that? It's an impossibly high standard to maintain. |
 | News Comment | What's in a badge? Preview at 08:11:12
Thanks for keeping on keeping on. "Coming home with a wet sail"? A (N)northern expression? :) |
 | News Comment | An odd turn of events - Transfer deadline at 08:20:33
You're being lied to. Start rejecting it, is a piece of advice people to take into every encounter they ever have with the mass media. Certainly the lying doesn't start when we cross over to the sports desk. |
 | News Comment | A bit about who Man Utd, Van Gaal and Falcao are playing this weekend — preview at 22:21:51
Very good read. Bit hard to believe that you're the same Clive who was bemoaning having to write about us playing in The Championship when you've spent every "drop of ink" so far this season very effectively and accurately producing a critical demolition of the Premiership. What do you want, man? A revolution? ;) |
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