| News Comment | at 12:19:03
Isn't it time that the fans started to tak control and exercise more influence over events. Cellino's behaviour towards Evans, well people in general is appalling. Spoiled brat who has had his own way for too long. Action should have been taken against Bates, GFH and, now Cellino. Cellino is a chancer, GFH are shysters, carpet baggers. The only way is hit him where it hurts. Season tickets, merchandising and anything else. He is a waste of space. |
 | News Comment | Do we need another manager straight away? at 15:59:57
I am convinced that the club's plan is to keep Leeds out of the Premiership for at least another three seasons! It may make financial sense if there is a compensation package for the previous owner if we go up. Going into Division 1 for a couple of seasons may suit some people. Has anyone ever known a decent club leave the team without a manager when there is a distinct possibility of them being demoted? No, it does not make sense unless GFH are not too bothered!!! |
 | News Comment | Premiership side ready to Bag Sam? at 12:58:02
We will never get anywhere if Leeds keep selling their tallent. Forget some of the recent sales and look at the academey youngsters that have left ER. Delph, Millner, Howson etc. Now we have more youngser coming through to join Byram as a force at LUFC. If we sell Byram we may as well pack in, because it is clear then that we will sell of all of our other young talent. I would not like to be in GFH's shoes if Byram goes. They will be hated more than Bates, if that is possible! |
 | News Comment | Rumour mill update? All's well that ends Wells? at 09:28:05
Leo Babtistao would be a good start, lol. Not sure about Llesanmi though. Why would QPR let him go? I think that there is a lot of bull, personnally and will wait and see what the great man decides el. Warnock! |
 | News Comment | Keep calm and just wait for the signings? at 18:35:52
I for one have been full of doom and gloom for a couple of day due the publicity about the debt and then the reports that people are once again coming for our best players - but wait! A lot of speculation and doom predicted, but is that reality. Is Warnock working hard behind the scenes to try to do some good business. Good business being the key factor, not over inflated prices and second rate players, but value! Well we will just have to wait and see. If Neil says it then I believe him for one. Lets stay positive and go for it. Would help if Neil signed up for another year though! |
 | News Comment | We are selling? at 21:09:14
This is all pure speculation. I am not confident about the future until GFH show commitment and get their cheque book out. If they sell the key players then that is a sign that they cannot afford LUFc and that we are in dire straights! Lets see what happens, but like the others who have commented, it would be the last straw for me and I would never darken LUFC's door again. Gone forever, fishing, golf, hiking, sailing but never football!!! |
 | News Comment | Leeds fans in a Paddy over transfer window progress? at 15:13:25
This is a little bit unfair. Paddy is a good defender. Strong, brave and experienced. He could do a job for anybody. The poor bloke has had a terrible injury and needs to recover fully and get fit. The lad is as honest as the day is long and works hard, so trying to belittle him says more about the article than the player!! Perhaps you were speaking comparably with the other defenders e.g. injured and not match fit Paddy compared to say Pearce?? |
 | News Comment | Do we trust Warnock with the January transfer booty? at 15:53:35
After yesterdays dismal performance from most of the team and tactics that were clearly lacking it seems that Haigh needs to run his eyes over the problems. Short term strategy, too late and not working. Where do we go from here. Well do we need a new manager and a new team, because this is as bad as it gets! Sorry Neil, but this just is not good enough and the players you have brought in are just not playing for you. I don't know how some of them have the cheek to pick up their pay packet!! |
 | News Comment | Warnock U-Turn at 07:50:44
Ken Bates has done it before, time and again. The manager always gets the blame. Sometimes the managers bear responsibility, but not this one! Not NW! NW is experience, shrewd and frugal in his signings and every one of them is value. I have always believed that things will have to get worse before they get better and if NW has to walk to demonstrate that the old tyrant is out of touch, so be it! I wish Bates would go soon, but we need to get behind NW and the team!! |
 | News Comment | It’s Now or Never ! at 15:52:04
The fans should support the consortium by keeping away from home games until Bates signs. This should be like the coal miners strike, with everyone behind them. Let the fans show their distain for Bates and power as a fan base. I urge everyone to keep away from home games until this is settled!!! |
 | News Comment | Duo can go - Warnock at 08:52:31
Poor Andy didn't really get a chance. He just never got to his best in fitness etc. If he had been supported a little earlier he may have got on his feet and provided the strenght at the back. Unfortunately, he was not supported by mega talent round him and he made some mistakes, which may have been a confidence thing. Good luck Andy |
 | News Comment | "Warnock to be ditched for Sven or.....Peter Taylor!" at 08:32:32
There is no way on this earth that we would want either of those two to replace NW. In fact, we don't want anyone to replace NW.. we trust and respect the mad old man, lol!!! Warnock is Leeds and the Leeds fans are Warnock. He is contracted for a year and should be given his chance - god he has had to work hard to get this far. His credability within the football world and with fans says everything. Anyway, I think Jacobs is speaking bollocks! |
 | News Comment | "His hands were tied and his pockets were picked" at 19:03:27
This article is absolutely spot on! Bates and Harvey should go. Will the fans force them out or are they still laughing and plotting to build the fixed assets in the club and not the team? It is the fans who are paying for the new facilities, but they don't have a voice when it comes to the future of the club! |
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