| News Comment | South of the river – Awaydays at 00:42:16
I mean that contained so many absolute truths, the main one being the often neglected North-South divide (that’s London not England.) How can a day / game so drab elicit a report that brought so many smiles and a few LOLs? I’ll be back for more on this for sure. Wonderful. |
 | News Comment | End of Term Report 22/23 — Attack at 22:26:57
Four actual LOL moments for me which is incredible given how depressing reliving this was. Positively Reithian so one more big thank you from me. THANK YOU CLIVE. |
 | News Comment | The Beale and end all? Column at 18:06:34
Very impressive and comprehensive given that you would not have known this guy from me a fortnight ago. I, like you, am cautiously optimistic. |
 | News Comment | Hull City/Middlesbrough — Awaydays at 14:50:16
The only thing missing from this piece was the name of the TV hack journo. Such Philistinism needs to be called out. How can you not like stuff like this? Absolutely ******* brilliant. Welcome back Awaydays (from one of the 4 or is it 3?) |
 | News Comment | End of Term Report 20/21 — Midfielders at 10:00:33
Absolutely superb as usual, LOL does not really do this justice. I know you love a comedy reference (classic The Office one here) and you all but called it here yourself: Dom Ball is ‘Chinese Alan’ from Gavin and Stacey. Completely agree with your scores and assessment of the players especially Johansen and Field, but with one massive exception. I am slowly walking back towards the boundary, apparently calm but seething inside, I need to come in on my full run for this one. |
 | News Comment | Two in the bush - Preview at 13:28:49
Think you have read the Austin situation correctly. Barring a radical rethink in strategy and / or FFP ceasing to be a thing, CA will not be with us next season. |
 | News Comment | A whole new ball game - Preview at 19:41:59
Brilliant and spot on as usual, I LOLed on more than one occasion, but I have something that’s bothering me here and this is a genuine query Clive. A few weeks ago, talk was all about how BOS had a dodgy agent and was being poorly advised, but now he is apparently negotiating in good faith. This has now turned the focus on to Manning and the poor behaviour / unrealistic demands of he and / or his agent. Do we actually have any evidence to back this up as it now seems to be the accepted wisdom? I’ll throw in an alternative suggestion that I have little evidence for but might become an internet ‘FACT’. Is there perhaps something else going on - like that MW does not perhaps like anyone challenging his methods and questioning his authority. Toni Leistner seemed to be an adequate player at this level but was always on Warburton’s naughty step. We have seen that TL is no shrinking violet. Perhaps young Ryan is a bit too outspoken for Mark’s liking? Wild speculation of course but we have the recent example of your interview and how he reacted to you questioning the defensive set-up. I probably need to get out more. |
 | News Comment | Seeking contentment - Preview at 11:51:14
Outstanding and hilarious as usual. I have been waiting ages for you to use the 'not for me, Clive' line. I can now die a happy man. |
 | News Comment | That’s magic — Preview at 17:19:47
Wasn't sure whether to cry or laugh at that, but I went for the latter many times over. Deserves a wider audience. |
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